Smoothing the edges

I've mentioned that I like Nancy Leigh DeMoss' books before, but the one that some of the ladies in my church are doing as a group study has been eye-opening and convicting.

For more information, click here.

During discussion time, one of the ladies in our study mentioned (for we were discussing being hurt by others and how we must forgive  - even if we don't want to or don't "feel like it") that sometimes God brings certain people into your life to smooth out your ruff edges; like they are the sandpaper that He is using to soften our roughness.  I think she called them "God's sandpaper".

I let that sink in for a second.  In my vain mind, I thought that the people that God brought into my life were the ones who needed changing, not me!  I didn't think that I could be effected in that way.  Not once did I ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe God is using this group of believers or non-believers (in other situations it may not be a group of people, it may be one specific person) to soften my hard shell.

"But wait, I don't have a hard shell!"  Said the crab.  "I'm fine just the way I am - I don't need the changing, they do!"

Do you have any idea how selfish and foolish that sounds?  I didn't really until this past Sunday study.

On the way home from church that day, my sister (Emily) was asking us if every ill word we ever thought towards someone would appear one our skin, how much more careful would we be in selecting our thoughts?  My other sister (Abigail) and I just sat there (well we were in the car and therefore couldn't go anywhere else!) and let that thought sink in.

How much more careful would YOU be if every word (good or bad) you ever spoke became visible on your skin?  Abigail said (and I was thinking the same thing about my own self) that if that were the case, then she'd be nothing but a black speck.  Nothing visible but the hateful words.

Even though that ^^^ doesn't happen, we still need to remember that God sees and hears every thing we say think or do.  Do we honor Him with our speech in front of church-members, and then turn around and tear down a friend at home; behind a computer screen?  Or do you strive to honor Him in all things?

This was kind of a miss-matched post, but I wanted to share it anyway. :)

May God bless you and keep you this fine day,


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