New look

I know, I know; I change the look of my blog all.the.time.  Part of me just can't help it, and besides, I was meaning to change it!  :p

What do you think?  I like it!  PicMonkey has become my favorite little place to edit Spiritually Healthy. :-)  If you've not been there, check it out!

The only thing I haven't quite figured out how to do is make a signature for my posts.  Do any of you know how to - or would you care to tell me how to?

Thanks and enjoy!



  1. I like the fancy corners on your new header! And oh, yes..... I LOVE Picmonkey! ;)

    Do you have a rough idea for what kind of signature you're thinking of?

    1. I am so glad that you like it, Heidi!

      Just a fancy signature, if that makes any sense. Maybe a fancy, bold (and bigger) font? I want to slowly change my blog look and I need a few pointers. :p

    2. Yes, that does make sense. Hmmmm. I'm not sure how people do that fancy signature right in the post, but you could always make a blank white picture in Paint (or on Picmonkey) and write your signature in a fancy type on that.... and maybe that way you could even put curlicues in the corners to match your header if you wanted? Depends exactly what you wanted, though.... but I'll definitely look forward to seeing it! :)

    3. You know how you have a photo with your signature? I'd love to trying something like that...but with out the photo. Does that make sense? I'll try your idea and see how it goes! Thanks for the tip! :)

  2. Oh Sarah! Such a gorgeous new design - just perfect for your lovely blog, dear!
    Much love and hugs to you!

    1. Thank you Kelly-Anne! I am pretty happy with the new look as well, though there are a few more changes I want to add to it.
      Have a blessed day and wonderful weekend!


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