How yoga has helped me

All I can say is that it has grown on me immensely - and I mean that in a very good way.  My journey with it started in June of last year with a 30 day  challenge with Erin Motz

I can't even begin to tell you how much this wonderful type of exercise has helped me in my journey to healing and health. Not only has yoga helped my balance and coordination, but I also believe that it has helped aid some of my gut issues that I've been battling for years.  Who would have thought that yoga would help aid digestion!  I sure didn't in the beginning but I fully believe it now.
So, if you've not tried it before, I encourage you to at least look it up and read about the health benefits that it offers.  

Here are a few pictures of this months challenge.

Twisted Hover-Lunge - all smiles for day 1!

Warrior 3 to Pistol Squat - boy oh boy was this hard!

Warrior 2 Push-Up - and my cat Figaro wanting to be in the picture. 

Pick-Ups - the top picture is of my "trying" to lift myself up and 
failing, that's why I'm smiling. 

Plank - felt it the next day!

Downward Dog - one of my favorites but man did I feel 
this in my legs the next day!

Again, I am so very thankful for all the benefits that have come just from doing yoga!  My back pain is almost completely gone - I've noticed that when I don't do yoga my back pain comes back within a few days.  So simply for the health/body benefits, I'd recommend yoga for anybody!  Another thing it has helped me with is my breathing.  Now this may sound silly to you, but before yoga my breaths were always shallow and they came quick, but now they are more controlled; more deep and steady.  That's another great benefit!

So that's all my blogging family.  May you each have a lovely day!


  1. Loved the post, Sarah and I'm so happy it's been helping! And (I already told you this ;)), but you DO look so professional and controlled! :)

    1. Thank you Heidi - I'm glad as well that yoga has been so very helpful for me. :) Also, thank you for the really sweet complement! :) Working on a reply to your email right now...


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