What dwells?

Not long ago, I was reading through the first book of John and was hit by the 17th verse in the 3rd chapter.

(1 Jn. 3:17 ) But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?

It rips me up inside to know that I fail at this.

(1 Jn. 3:18) My little children, let us not love in work or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

"...in deed and in truth."

Reading these two verses has me examining my life and what it is that I actually do...or don't do.

How do I show love?  In my words or in my daily doings?


I have to be honest and say that both of these are hard for me.  I really struggle with acting out in love, and with speaking kind words when they are needed.

These two verses tell me that I should be acting out my love for God's people - not just speaking. Why is this SO hard for us to do?  I have a heart for serving people; true joy comes from seeing others happy with either a meal or a conversation.  So why can't I break past the barrier?  What pride has me locked away so much that it keeps me from fulfilling God's will and call for my life?

Lord God, teach me Your will.  Reveal to me Your holy word and how it is You want me to accomplish it on this earth and at this time.  Time is limited here and there are lost souls waiting with open ears to hear Thy word spoken to them.  Some of them won't want to hear the Good News; they might even be angry about it, but You do not give up on me when I am angry - for a selfish reason no doubt.  You stay with me; hold me and never let me go.  Your precious Son said If ye love me, keep my commandments.  You love Your children - even the difficult to love (me) - and if I love You, then I should love Thy people and serve them; which, in turn is serving You.  Teach me this, O God!  Show me the true way to walk by faith: by serving You and Your people. Amen

This is so hard for me.  The desire is there.  The drive is there.  I'm just not there.  I need a push - a big one at that.  Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15)  

May we all pay heed to this Call.



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