I'll just be a minute

It's been a while, I know - sorry about that.  I've been having serious computer problems for a while and it's been extremely frustrating because I've been wanting to post.  It's odd,  it seems like every single morning around 7:30 the internet gets really, and I mean really, slow - almost like dial-up!  Then it doesn't work at all throughout the day and forget about it at night!  We're trying to figure it out - I think it's a virus, but we're still not sure.

On a more joyful note.  My brother and his wife had their baby - a precious baby girl!! 8 lbs, 6 oz and a lovely 20 inches long!  She has dark, wavy hair; olive toned skin, and grayish eyes.  She's simply breathtaking and I couldn't be a prouder aunt!!  It's been fun trying to figure out what I want to be called as well, but seeing as how she's still a bit young, I think I'll hold off for a while. ;)  However, it's all just wonderful goodness and we feel so blessed!

On another note (lots of notes today), I'm going on a short trip and so my posts will be even slower, that is until I get back. :)  I'm thinking of this little get-away as an adventure, and with that I can't help but think of Mr. Bilbo and this scene from The Hobbit.

So, goodbye for now my fellow bloggers!  I'll be back soon with pictures, stories, and well, adventures to share - though I doubt that I'll have tales of the Misty Mountains! ;)

Blessings in the Risen King!


  1. Hello!!!
    Your blog is really nice. :)
    I hope you check out my blog and please follow by email. I also hope you check out my current giveaway and enter! :D
    Love in Christ,
    ps. Here's my crochet store. ashleysyarnworks.blogspot.com
    I would love to make something for you, so please feel free to order! :D


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