Ring Around the Rose Week 5 (two questions)

I have really been enjoying answering these questions Heidi - keep'em coming!

1. What is the first story you ever wrote?

Let's see...
My very first story I ever wrote was actually a humors one.  I pictured these characters something like hobbits: small, but very intelligent and well-dressed.  

It was about a little boy who lived in a very poor and starving town.  The town had this odd smell to it that made everyone miserable.   The people becomes upset with this young lad and his over-eagerness to solve the mystery (especially the candlestick maker, Mr. Newton) and his desire to see his town well-fed.  So he goes in search of the smell that is making his home so miserable and, to his surprise, he finds the answer deep in the heart of the woods: a little old man who lives in the bottom of an old tree stump.  For years this little man was trying his hardest to create a soup that would feed the town he grew up in, but failed each time.  His soup kept burning and the burnt smell would creep out of his dwelling and into the town, creating the nasty smell.  Relieved to have finally solved the mystery, the little boy helps the old man make a new soup, one that didn't burn or smell, and together they fed the entire town!  The end. 

I can't for the life of me remember the name of this story, and it's going to bug me until it hits me!  At some point it will come to me and when that happens, I'll come back and update this post.

Unfortunately this story has a sad ending.  The computer that I wrote this on (with the help of my sisters) was struck my lightening and I lost the complete story.  My characters, the title, everything lost.  

2. Which Pixar movie is your favorite and why?

My all-time favorite Pixar movie is Toy Story.  Why?  Because it was the very first movie I ever saw in a movie theater way back in 1995.  My dad took the four oldest to see this film when it came out and I remember being beyond excited!  We went to the store and got Hershey's striped kisses and ate them while being "spell-bound" with the magic that movie theaters seem to always posses.  
I cannot help but watch this film and smile.  Plus, the song You've Got a Friend in Me has got to be one of the cutest songs ever!  Click here to listen.  Even as I type this out, I have the huge grin on my face - that's what this song does to me! :)

There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you....

Thank you again Heidi for putting these questions together. :)

Looking forward to the next one!



  1. Sarah, I loved reading your post!! (Seriously, I think you are a writer. ;)) Your first story sounds so original.... and losing it sounds terrible!! How dreadful. :-(

    I actually haven't seen Toy Story completely, though I did watch it while traveling with my cousins last summer. (Due to where I was sitting, etc. it was kind of in "silent movie" mode, but I did get a great idea of the story! :))

    And oh! Incidentally, all these questions have been connected with the new Beauty and the Beast short story collection that's being published this month. The five story authors are hosting the link thing, so if you visit any of their blogs you could also share your post links if you like! You could visit Haydn (at everystory-storygirl.blogspot.com) or Jenelle (at http://jenelleschmidt.com/) and they link to everyone else, too. :D

    Email coming soon! ;)

  2. Heidi,
    Thank you SO much for the two blog links - looking through them is my "job" for the morning. ;)
    And thank you for being an encouragement to me about the whole writing thing, it means a lot to me. :)

    Toy Story is SUCH a sweet movie! I think it was the very first Pixar?? I'm not sure. I do hope that you will be able to watch it again, fully through next time. :)

    Blessings to you!

  3. Your first story sounds awesome! What a fun adventure.

    Ah, Toy Story. I love Toy Story. I actually like Toy Story 2 even better, just because it's fun to see Woody and Buzz being friends... but the first Toy Story has a very special place in my heart.

    Thanks for joining us on the Ring Around the Rose ride!


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