Secret place

This is where I faulter - in prayer.  I've always struggled with deep and consistant prayer before God.  I read this (Praying to God in secret) the other day and was hit with the realization that I don't pray as I ought (whenever I say the word "ought" it reminds me of the hymn "We have not known Thee as we ought"...have you heard it?  It's a lovely song with great, convicting words).

Matthew 6:6 says, "But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly." (YLT)

Notice how it says "But...when thou pray..."  Not if you pray.  That right there was like a kick in the pants - it always is!  My pastor has done sermons on Jesus' Blueprint for prayer and without any dout, it always shakes my core.  Cause me act, O LORD!

Matthew 6:7 says, "And -- praying -- ye may not use vain repetitions like the nations, for they think that in their much speaking they shall be heard,"

So where is my secret place?  Where do I go to talk with God?  It's kind of hard right now because I'm in the process of shifting and moving my things around, but at some point in my "new room" I would LOVE to have a secret prayer room.  A place where I can be alone with God in deep, meaningful prayer and talk with Him.

What abouy you?  Where is YOUR chamber of prayer?

Take heart, dear reader.  For the Battle has been won!  But!  As a faithful servant, one MUST pray!


Imagie from Pinterest.


  1. I like to pray in my closet. It's a very small closet, but it is large enough for me to hide in... if I keep it clean (extra added benefit... making it my daily prayer space also helps me keep my closet clean!) However, the shower also works (and tends to be the only time this mom-o'-three isn't constantly being interrupted or needed. :)

    1. I never even thought about using the shower as a prayer room! Thank you, Jenelle for the great tip. :)


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