The Bedtime Movie Tag

Thank you, Heidi, for this fun tag!
I thoroughly enjoyed writing these down and reliving some of the sweet memories that each movie brought!

1. A movie that kept you up all night. 
Kept all night in a good way or in a bad way?  *thinks for a good long bit*  This may sound silly, but I don't think I've ever stayed up all night just to watch a movie.  I'm pretty strict about my sleep (it's vital for those with seizure disorders!) and what I watch beforehand.  If there has been a movie that happens to go late into the evening, I'll just nod off and watch it another day. I guess I'm off to a boring start! :p

2. A movie that made you scared to sleep.
Even though I know that there is nothing real about this (e.g. aliens DO NOT exist!), the movie Signs scared me terribly!  Even now I don't like it.  I think it's really the music that creeps me out (it's really good actually).  The movie itself isn't bad (some langue), it's just scary.

3. A movie that made you go to sleep.
Just recently my sisters and I watched Up for the first time - yeah we're the kind of family that waits years to watch a "new" movie.  While watching it, I fell asleep for about 35-40 minutes, then woke up and the end!  

4. A movie that left you tossing and turning all night in anticipation for its release.
I seriously don't think that I have ever tossed and turned at night for a movie.  I do, however, know that I am extremely excited for the last installment of Mockingjay AND for the live-action movie of Beauty and the Beast!!  While I may not toss and turn at night with anticipation, I am VERY excited about seeing them!

5. A movie that would be your worst nightmare to live in.
There are so many that I could choose, Les Miserables, The Hunger Games, Divergent.  I think my pick is going to be the movie The Gladiator, though.  I read a book about the early Christians and what they went through...I can't even imagine! 
I think I would die of fright before anyone had a chance to kill me. 

6. A movie that reminds you of nighttime.
Every time I watch the classic Little Women, I am reminded of cinnamon, warm cozy blankets, and Christmas; that in turn *yawns* makes me what to sleep, which makes me think of nighttime. 

7. A movie that has a nightmarish cliffhanger.
This was a hard one!  Let's see...oh, I know!  While this may not be your typical cliffhanger, it did keep me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire movie and had me fully engaged.
National Treasure is a fun, historic, Amazing Race-kind-of-movie, that I really enjoy. 

8. A movie you actually dreamed about.
It was awhile ago, but I actually dreamt about North and South.  'Twas a lovely dream filled with tea, warm fires, waistcoats, and engaging conversation!
Don't you just LOVE this?

9. A movie monster you wouldn't want to find under your bed. 
I was absolutely terrified of Maugrim from the 1988 version of The Chronicles of Narnia when I was a child...he still wigs me out actually.  I would hate to find HIM lurking under my bed...even though he couldn't fit under my bed at the moment for it sits on the floor (long story).  Anyway, I disliked Maugrim SO much I chose not to share a picture of him. *gets goosebumps from just the thought of this scary character*

10. A refreshing movie you love watching at night? 
It Happened One Night is such a clean, sweet film that I LOVE watching before bedtime - though I haven't done this in a while. *makes mental note to watch it before bedtime*  
Has any of you ever seen it?  

Thanks again for the tag, Heidi!  I love doing these fun questionnaires with you! :)

Blessings in His Holy Name,


  1. Fun tag! I /have/ seen It Happened One's a cute one!

    1. Thanks, Paige! I'm so glad that you like It Happened One Night - I've not met another person who has liked it!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "We're the kind of family that waits years to watch a 'new' movie." Hee, same here!! :) I think the 2015 Cinderella is the first movie I've seen in absolute ages that was shiny brand new -- and even then we saw it the last week it was in the theater. ;D (And then waited impatiently alllllllll summer for the dvd/bluray to come out! But you already know that. ;D) And I just saw Up! for the first time on my trip! I wouldn't say it's an absolute Top Ten favorite, but it was quite enjoyable.

    I'm excited about the new B&B, too. :)

    And would you say there are any skippable parts in National Treasure?

    NORTH & SOUTH!!!!!!! Yes, and oh do I EVER need to get you that music.... I'm sorry it's taken me this long. (Btw, I have about three other things to get to you, so I'm very much hoping that you'll be hearing from me soon.... :P Very soon if I possibly can.)

    1. Heidi, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comment. :) I'm sitting here trying to remember the last movie I saw in the was last year. We don't go all that often and when we do, we don't really like going opening night - too crowded.

      I actually went and looked up National Treasure on Pluggedin - here's the link to view the movies contents.

      Thank you SO much for the North & South sheet music!! :) I love and adore it! :)


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