Listography - List a movie

So I think it's high time I did another Listography list!

This one is out of my Listography - Your Life in Lists book.  I still haven't finished it (no surprise there).

Like always, feel free to comment with your top 5, 10, or even 20!

List the people from history you'd like to have a conversation with 

  1. Charles H. Spuregon
  2. George Washinton
  3. Abraham Lincoln
  4. Amy Carmichael
  5. Queen Elizabeth the 1st
  6. Martin Luther
  7. Anne Frank
  8. Jim Elliot
  9. Joan of Arc
  10. Princess Diana
  11. Leonardo da Vinci
  12. Michelangelo 
  13. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert 
  14. Margaret Thatcher
  15. Job (from the Bible)

So there's my small list - I know I could add at least 30 more, but I shall refrain from boring you too much.

Also, this just came to mind.  I thought about doing a separate post, but why not keep it together?

The other day my sisters and I were watching To Sir, With Love.  Has any one of you seen it?  It's simply wonderful.  I could watch that movie over and over again and still learn something new.  Mark Thackeray's style of teaching is excellent; truly amazing and effective!  I love how he treats his students: like adults even though they aren't there yet.  He teaches them life and how to live in it.
I would call his style very similar to that of homeschooling or unschooling.  Who teaches life nowadays?  Who cares enough to tell you the truth - even though you probably don't want to hear it?  Mr. Thackeray loved his "children" and he taught them the basics.  Funny, these "basics" seem to be "out of fashion" nowadays.

If I could pick one person to meet from a movie, it would be Mark Thackeray - without a doubt.

"It is your duty to change the world if you can. Not by violence, peacefully, individually, not as a mob."

"Every new fashion is a form of rebellion."

"Toughness is a quality of the bravery, honesty and ambition."

Those are just 3 of some of my favorite quotes from the movie.  There is some language, but (not that I condone it) it is expected and maybe even understood.  These broken children Sir is trying to reach have had no positive example shown to them - ever.  Some have never had a kind word spoken to them.  I cry every.single.time I watch this movie - especially with the song at the end!  Even though I've seen this film a bunch of times, I am always in agony in the end - I'll save that for those of you who have never seen it. :)

What about you?  What one person from a film would you love to meet?

Blessings dear sisters (and or brothers!),


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