Hike to the Hills!

If you were to ask me years ago if I was going to hike the highest peak east of the Mississippi River, I would have laughed in your face. No, really. Ask any family member of mine and they will tell you that I was not an outdoor gal.  The bugs, the heat, the smell (yep, I didn't even like the smell of the outdoors), all of it was not my thing.  Praise God that sometimes the way we used to be is not the way we end up being!  

So with that, my brother, a friend from church, and myself decided to make the 12 mile round trip trek up Mount Mitchel.  

As we hiked along the trail, there were clearings that we came to that took my winded breath away.  I'll be honest, most times when I hike, I don't really see the point in the journey/destination.  I often think, "What's the point of this? The trail is difficult and all we are doing is just walking."  Then we come to a viewpoint and I gain a bit of clarity.   There are so many beauties that are hidden behind difficulties.  May I never forget that even though the journey is hard, God can use this strenuous, and sometimes painful, path to reveal more of Himself to me.

This whole trip was such a needed time of stillness for me.  My soul needed the quiet and I came away refreshed.  I highly suggest a get away like this if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed by the events of whatever season you may be in.  

Hiking Tip!

I didn't splurge on a proper back-back which was fine for this one time hike.  I bought mine at Wal-Mart for $20 and it served its purpose. However, if I was to go on a long hike like this again, I would definitely buy one that is better suited for the elements. 

Here are just a few of the pictures that were taken during and after the hike!

This last picture is one of my favorites and not because it is of myself.  My brother seemed to capture such a special moment for me. This hike was HARD. One of the most difficult things I have ever done but oh so worth it. He seemed to capture my true self in that moment: relief, pain, joy, and fulfillment. 

What a blessed treat to be in God's creation and enjoy His handiwork.  Though it was the hardest hike I have ever done, it was also one of the most rewarding.  Thank You, O Lord for taking me out of my comfort zone!


What's one of the hardest things you have ever done?


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