"Let it Be Given..."

"And that which they have need of, both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs, for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the appointment of the priests which are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day without fail." Ezra 6:9 (bold font added by me)

Even though I have read through the Bible several times, this particular verse never stuck out to me.  One of the amazing things about the Bible, is that it is God's living word. And with it being alive, it is always revealing God's truths.  It's an amazing thought, no?  The Word of God is active and alive, convicting, encouraging, and inspiring the hearts of man.  

I was recently reading a book by Elisabeth Elliot.  In the book (I cannot remember which one exactly), Elisabeth's first husband, Jim, was sharing this passage in a letter he wrote to her.   It related to a difficult season of life that they were walking through together and he was encouraging her to "let it be given...".  Not only did this verse stick out to me, but the Lord used it to open my eyes and it caused me to questions certain areas of my life that I was not surrendering to Him. 

So here is my conviction: What am I holding onto that I need to offer to God? What am I gripping so tightly onto that no light is able to peak through my clenched fists?  Is there something in my life that I feel is better suited in my hands rather than in the Lords?  This is easy to answer and yet, extremely difficult at the same time.  The Lord knows my heart.  He knows my desires; hopes, and dreams.  So, what can I give when I feel like I have nothing to offer?  So often my prayers sound something like this: Lord, how can I offer to You when my life/hands are empty? You must fill them with what I want in order for me to give thanks and give them back to You.

That is so not how it works.  If for one moment, you feel as though you must obtain something tangible in order to serve the Lord, my friend, thou are mistaken.  For one thing, my entire life is an offering.  Romans 12:1 says, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, they ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."  See what it says there, a living sacrifice?  While I yet have breathe, I will praise the Lord and live for Him.  Boom.  That can be given.  Just because I do not have what I want, that does not mean I cannot serve the Lord right now.  It doesn't mean that I cannot offer up all that I have.  

I remember reading somewhere (probably in a book written by Mrs. Elliot) that even though you feel like you have nothing to give, that right there, that thought/feeling can be offered.  That hope, those dreams, the desire, they can be released from your hands (or clenched fists) and placed at the foot of the Cross.  Upon doing that, those feelings may not 100% dissipate, but they are better suited at His feet than in my hands.  He can be fully trusted with whatever is given to Him because He was the one who placed them there.  Nothing I have in this life has been obtained by my own merit, it is all from God.  And because it is all from Him, it can be given back to Him.  

So my friend, I hope this brings a bit of encouragement your way.  I hope this points you back to the One who has given us the Ultimate Gift: His Son, Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins.  


What is He asking you to offer up?


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