I struggled today

Today I actually put my Bible down and walked away from it. Reading the Truth was a struggle for me. The book, the chapters, the content, all of it was a reminder that I am still growing as a believer; still walking the path that is set before me. 

I woke up this morning and went for a short run. Pounding pavement (or sand in my case) with music blasting in my ears has always been an escape for me. Even though my doctor said I should lay off the running because of my bad knees, I did it anyway. The run was short in distance but my thoughts took me miles away from reality. 

Maybe I don't often share during a hard day. I mostly share afterwards when God has revealed something to me through His word or trial. Well folks, today I'm not just on the struggle bus, I'm driving it. 

This post is just a jumble of my thoughts and frustrations. 


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