Am I failing?

I often wonder if I am even a good friend.  This thought came to me the other night as I tossed and turned (much to my sisters frustration) in my bed, trying my utmost hardest to drift off into a deep slumber but to no avail. 

I literally stayed up, wide awake in bed, mulling over my life.

Do I put the needs of others before my own?  Do I seek to put others matter what?  

I read somewhere in a book once that, "The highest bond of friendship is forged in the fire of discipline and it is true to experience to say that the greater the cost of the forging, the greater will be the friendship."

What am I willing to do for my friends? 

Maybe it's my sister's up and coming wedding that is causing me to dwell upon certain areas of my life.  Maybe it's because of all fun, friend/family-filled events that are taking place almost daily.  Maybe the Lord is pricking my heart and causing me to reflect; revealing to me where I really do lack.  God, am I even a good friend?

If you happen to be my friend and you're reading this, am I good to you?  What can I work on; get better at?  I ask this in all honesty.  If there are ways in which I get better help point you to Christ, please, pour out.  I long to do better in this area of my life.


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