Over the seas and through the clouds, to Italy we will go!

Why hello again...

It's still hard for me to believe that I was JUST in Italy. Like the beautiful Italy! *cue Italian mandolin music*

My dad asked me a couple of months ago if I wanted to join him in going to Italy while he took care of some family business. I was hesitant at first but thankfully, I changed my mind and decided to go.  This was way more of a business trip than it was a pleasure trip but I was excited to get away. I mean, come on, ITALY! Who wouldn't want to go?!

So on Thursday, November 10th, we flew to Atlanta and after a few hours of a layover, we were off to Rome! 

It still amazes me to think that anyone can hop on a plane and literally fly anywhere in the world! With this trip to Italy, I grew to tolerate flying more than I normally do. I actually looked out the window (hence the picture) this time and was able to snap a picture without getting too sick or dizzy. I did end up getting sick though. Hopefully that was my first and only time being sick on a plane. All I can say is, "yuck". 

After a 9 1/2 hour flight through the night, we finally landed in the beautiful city of Roma. My dad has his international drivers license so we rented a car and began the 30 minute or so drive to a friends house. I didn't realize until two days before we flew out that my international license had expired! While I may not have chosen to actually drive the winding, and somewhat hectic, roads of Italy, I was disappointed that I didn't have the option to. 

Like I said, this was more of a family business trip so my dad and I didn't actually do any site seeing. It amazes me that this was my third time seeing my family, places that were close to my grandparents (like the church my dads parents were married in), and many more simple, yet inspiring things. 

It's hard for me to describe just how much I adore Italy. It may sound silly or even odd, but the sounds and smells are what I love. Of course, every now and again you run into a bad smell (hello dog poo everywhere) and an unkind sound or word (unfortunately I am fluent enough to know what's being said too), but these are inevitable. However, there is a sort of magic that Italy has that captivates my very soul. I love it. 

I didn't know it then but I needed to get away. I needed to clear my head and think about some things...Italy is a wonderful place to think! While this year has been such a blessing, it has also been a hectic stretch for me. God has asked me to trust Him with some things that have been very close to my heart. It's scary handing them over but also extremely freeing knowing they are going into the hands of the one who created heaven and earth. 

I thank and praise God for giving me the gift of this time away to be able to think, pray, and let go. Yeah sure, I was able to catch up with friends and family (whom I adore), but it's almost like God brought me to Italy just so I could pour out. What's more beautiful than pouring ones self out in one of the most scenic places on earth? 

It rained most of our trip, but the rain just added to it. It gave the whole time spent abroad a sort of crisp glisten that added to the mood. It actually reminded me of when I went to London and Scotland. Oh, if you think I love Italy, Scotland is just beautiful! I love that place and hope to travel back there soon!


This post was just to update ya'll on my travels and to tell you that I am home now. :) 

Addio per ora! (Goodbye for now!)


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