Prepare the Soil

Yesterday my sisters and I worked outside the whole morning. We are in the process of doing a lot of yard work that consists of trimming trees, clearing brush, burning said brush...the works. The weather was beautiful and just right for the tasks that we three sisters set for ourselves. 

I have made it my little project to clear a small-ish area for my long awaited flower garden. And as I set about cutting small trees, clearing palm bushes, raking up leaves, loading the wheelbarrow, dumping the wheelbarrow (and repeating that process many times over!), I realized just how easy my thoughts turned to wanting to give up and walk away from what I was doing. 

Of course it was hard work. My back hurt, my hands were red and sore from using the trimming/cutting tools, my body warm from the constant walking and bending down - all of these natural things that occur from being a human living in a sinful world. But as I continued to work, and begin digging up the soil to prepare it for the next step of making a flower garden, I was humbled.

In this generation, it is easy to separate ourselves from working the land. Most everything we need can be bought online or in the store. As the sweat began to drip down my face, and my arms began to ache from carrying cement blocks ( I hope to use these as the border on my garden), I realized just how difficult it is to actually work a patch of land. In order for anything to grow properly, one must prepare the soil. 

Each time I plan, plant, water and keep a garden, I am amazed at the many spiritual applications that can be applied. 

Like my spiritual walk with God, I can't expect anything to grow properly if there are roots, weeds, or rocks (not very common in Florida, lol). These things must be removed. I cannot expect my Hollyhocks, Bells of Ireland, Sweet Peas, and Zinnias to grow in soil that is ridden with roots and weeds. I must remove them. I must have soil that is ready to receive. 

How true is that of my own heart? How can I expect to grow in my walk with the Lord if I have not removed the choking vines? I can't. I must rid these hazards in my heart if I want to have a flourishing garden!

I love how the Lord uses gardening in my life. I love how something so beautiful once it is finished and flourishing, can be such a task to complete (and upkeep!). 

Why did I even share this? Well, for one I hope you encourage you. It is incredibly easy to allow rocks, weeds, roots, and such to take over. Friend, I encourage you to get those sharp tools out (the Word) and set to work in pruning and cutting away the dead branches. 

"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." John 15:5

Matthew 13:1-29


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