
Another year. Another 365 days to offer thanks for what has been given. 

Was it what I expected? Of course not. Were there moments of doubt and fear? Absolutely. Did I trudge through it all, pressing towards the mark (Phil 3:14)? Yes, though often with little strength. 

Now as I begin a new year with a new age, what will I do? Well for one, I will "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

I want to make it my aim (and this is a constant readjusting!) to do the will of God - no matter my circumstances. It is very easy to let the mind slip into thoughts of fear and anxiety, especially when it seems like things never change. But, 2 Corinthians 10:5 says to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Every thought. While that is hard, I make that my aim. When those fears of anxiety threaten to overwhelm me (and this is very easy to do), I must bring them under the obedience of Christ. I must remember that God still owns tomorrow, thus, why am I fretting over today? 

Lord, remind me in the hard times. Remind me that even though I have no idea what the future holds, You do. You know and have gone before me. This way is not unknown to You nor is anything that comes to pass in my life a surprise to You. O God, help me to see this and to trust Your process. Even in the dark, even in the light - help me to boldly go forth and shine the light of Christ. And while I wait, Lord stretch me, grow me and grow in me. Teach me to live the truths of Your Word. Amen


  1. It's been a long time.... but lovely post and happy birthday! :)

    1. Oh wow! HI HEIDI! I don't know why I am just now seeing this comment! Thank you for the birthday wishes!

  2. Thank you for the very encouraging thought and God's promises. God bless you, dear sister.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. :) God bless you as well!


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