Life Update

Well hello there.

We mustn't keep meeting like this, you know, with months in between each interaction.

How are you all doing? I've missed you.

As the title says, I thought to update ya'll on what has been going on in my life since I last posted. It's not much, lol, but I've missed writing, so here I am. 

Since my post in March, life has been crazy, beautiful, painful, lovely, sorrows and surprises (no, not that least Lord willing, not yet!). 

So, let's catch up...

What has been Crazy: With so much going on in the world, and in each of our lives, my goings have been more hectic than I care to admit. I am a person who thrives on routine and structure and when either of those things are challenged, I can get anxious. *cue the crazy* One thing we did do was get a dog. We have livestock and so with the threat of other animals, my parents made the choice to go out and get a puppy. Say hello (picture below) to Maximus Decimus Meridius, or Max for short. He is a Great Pyrenees Maremma mix and the sweetest boy. Learning the personality of a GP has been a bit of an adjustment for me, but I have found that Max is seriously a sweet and loving dog. At only 8 months old, he is a whole 70+ pounds!

What has been Beautiful: I don't know why but I have been drawn to the skies this year. All the colors and such have drawn me in, leaving me breathless and in wonder of our Creator. What else has been beautiful has been learning that I am to become an aunt again! Two more babies are due the same week in December - which is such an incredible surprise and gift! This will make 11 grandchildren! 

Another thing that I find just wonderful is that I have been helping one of my nieces with her school work once or so a week. She comes over, we have tea, do her school and then work on her cross-stitch. It has been such a blessing to me and even more so than I realized. It reminded me of when I was literally her age, and a dear friend of my parents' would teach my sister and I knitting, crocheting, and sewing. She is still a dear friend and every time I pick yarn or thread, I think of her. And so having this special time with Kathleen, I am hopeful that one day when she is older she will look back on this time with fondness. 

What has been Painful: We're human, right? Humans tend put their hope in things that will ultimately disappoint. Well enter in the girl (me, haha) who has done that very thing. Ouch. One would think that even after all of the ups and downs, I would learn. Alas no! It kinda goes back to that thing about being human. While the Lord has blessed me in ways I do not deserve, He has also lovingly corrected me. Like a parent who wants what is best for their child, the Lord has taken my hand and given me several "taps", forcing me to pay attention to what I am doing. Over the course of this painful trek, I have been able to learn a lot about myself and how I operate in my friendships. Through that, I have come to see just how toxic my traits have been in the past, thus effecting the people closest and dearest to me. So, I have been on a journey or surrendering and healing. Which hasn't been a piece of cake, but it also hasn't been terrible either. The Big Question I have been asking myself is "Even if God doesn't answer my prayers, will I still love Him; is He still enough?" The answer of course is "yes", but having to train my heart to proclaim that has been such a challenge these last few years. I guess it's the reality of getting older. I know what takes place biologically and the truth of that, scares me a lot. But even if not, my heart can sing "He is still good" and "It is well with my soul". 

What has been Lovely: Babies. I absolutely love babies. My little brother and his wife had their first child back in September and he is without a doubt the sweetest little boy. James Edward is such an absolute joy and I have been in auntie heaven! There is also something so lovely about seeing your younger brother become a father. I don't know why but it is much different than when my older brothers had their children, still sweet mind you, but just different. 

This picture below is probably one of my favorites. I was visiting my sister in-law one afternoon and we all took a walk together. All of the girls are in this picture and the organic, natural nature of it simply melts my heart. 

What has been Sorrowful: My heart becomes weighted down with the cares of the world. I hate to see pain, death, destruction, wars, and devastation. I dislike politics and all the hate that comes from it. Through that though, I have realized just how vital my gaze on Christ is. I cannot simply glance at Him. I must gaze, longing and lovingly at my Savior. 

One wonderful thing that comes from proclaiming Christ as Lord is getting baptized! My sisters and I were dunked together one hot summer afternoon and the angels rejoiced! 

Surprises: One thing that was such great fun was getting the chance to go to the Ark Encounter with a small group of ladies from church. I love to travel and see new places, and go exploring with friends and family! This trip was so much fun and I came away learning so much about not only my sisters in Christ, but also about God, His Word and purpose for creation. 

All in all, ya'll, I know that He holds me. He leads and guides my every waking hour and knows my going up and down. O such a comforting thought! While nothing that has taken place in my life has been what I thought it would be, I come away grateful nonetheless. The Lord is indeed good. 

For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. - Psalm 100:5

So that has been my life as of late. How about y'all? What has the Lord been doing in your life recently?

Let's do this again, shall we?


This picture was taken at the Ark Encounter - such a cool experience!


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