My {improved} reading list

When I posted this, my list contained only a few books.  After a going back a forth with Heidi and getting some really good suggestions, I've added a few more books that I thought I'd share with you.

Some new books include:

Peace Like A River by Leif Enger
Behold the Dawn by K.M. Weiland
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (yes, I've never read this)
Greenwillow by B.J. Chute
Damsel in Distress by P. G. Woodenhouse 

Those are just a few of the books that I have on my new and improved reading list and I am quite excited about them!  

Why thank you, that's just what I intent to do. 

I've already read Peace Like A River and thoroughly enjoyed it - even though it took me a few chapters to get "into" it.  I came a way from that book feeling like I just came back from a very long (and cold!) adventure!  Also, I came away from Peace Like A River more grateful for the breath in my lungs and the air that flows into them.  To say my interest in traveling in a 1960's airstreamer hs been peeked, would be a small understatement. ;)  My little sister is now reading this book and enjoying it.

Also, I've been able to cross off The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzerald which I really enjoyed as well.  

Thank you, Heidi, for sharing some great books! 

How about you?  Any books you feel you must read this year?

In Christ,


  1. This sounds like an interesting reading list! Now you have *my* interest peaked in Peace Like a River. If only I could remember to actually keep a record of all these books that others recommend...:)

    1. Paige,
      Thank you for the comment. :) I'm glad that interest has now been peeked! :) I must make at least 2 lists of books I want to read - the only problem with that is that I keep adding more and more books! :p

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. YES and hooray (five times over)!!! (Sarah, are you aware that you have five of my Very Favorite Stories posted in a list on your blog? ;) Of course you are.... and I'm just tingly excited about it. ;D)

    You're so welcome and I can't wait to discuss more soon!!

    1. Hooray back! Great minds think alike, no? ;)

      Looking forward to your email! :)


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