"What God hath joined..." Part 1

So this post has been a long time coming - my brother and his new bride's wedding pictures!!

The wedding took place in the beautiful sate of Kentucky (to which I had never visited until September of last year) the first weekend in May.

Here are some pictures of the day before the Big Day.

My sisters and their new friend enjoying lunch outside 
while making silly faces. :)
This was walking into the room in which they were to cut the cake -
beautiful, isn't it?  The floors creaked when walked upon.

Isn't this just lovely? My new sister in-law painted them
herself - and did a fantastic job.
Looking from the stone fireplace. 

This is the back of the building.  It was actually an old house
that it now used for a woman's club.
The alter where Joseph and Emily will say "I do."
A different angle.
The lovely flowers..
All the groomsmen playing some football before the rehearsal started.
I love that this was the bachelor "party" - nothing complicated, just
a bunch of family and friends having a good old time together.    

And now for the wedding rehearsal (all the credit goes to my sister who took these lovely pictures).

Getting the rundown...

Figuring out the tunes (just wait till you hear the song Emily
walked down the aisle to!).

Take two.  I think they only had to practice three times.
"You put one foot in front of the other..."
Getting ready to walk down the aisle. 
Father and daughter.  So very precious together.

Aren't they the cutest?
Away they go....

Everything went SO well on Friday - everyone worked so well together!  I am beyond excited to share some of their wedding pictures in the next post. :)

"The best is yet to come..."

Blessings and hugs,


  1. Beautiful photos! Congrats to them!

  2. That looks like a beautiful place for a wedding! Looking forward to seeing the ceremony photos.

  3. PICTURES!!!!!! Oh yay, I'm so excited!!! :) And then your sign-off at the ending, dear, is so very hilarious. ;D

    (I'm teasing now), but DO hurry up as I can't wait for more and you've got me on such delightful tenterhooks! ;P

    1. I'm SO glad that you enjoyed them Heidi!

      I'm planning on posting part 2 this morning, so stay tuned! :)

  4. Hello Sarah dear! Oh, thank you so much for sharing pictures from the special event with all of us...I have such a weakness for weddings and could look at photographs all day...*happy sigh*...
    What a sweet couple your brother and sister-in-love make!
    The hall where their reception was held is beyond gorgeous and the flowers - so beautiful and feminine!
    Now, I am off to look at part two!
    Hugs to you dear friend!

    1. Kelly-Anne,
      Thank you SO much for the sweet comment! I adore weddings as well - they're "my one weakness." :D

      I'm so glad that you enjoyed looking through them!
      Blessings and hugs to you too!

    2. Oh Sarah, loved your reference to ''your one weakness''! So cute - I take it you've seen Larkrise to Candleford then??

    3. Yes I have seen Lark Rise and it is a favorite! :)

  5. Beautiful pictures! Beautiful place! And, of course, beautiful people!

    Love you all,


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