The Bedtime Movie Tag

Thank you, Heidi , for this fun tag! I thoroughly enjoyed writing these down and reliving some of the sweet memories that each movie brought! 1. A movie that kept you up all night. Kept all night in a good way or in a bad way? *thinks for a good long bit* This may sound silly, but I don't think I've ever stayed up all night just to watch a movie. I'm pretty strict about my sleep (it's vital for those with seizure disorders!) and what I watch beforehand. If there has been a movie that happens to go late into the evening, I'll just nod off and watch it another day. I guess I'm off to a boring start! :p 2. A movie that made you scared to sleep. Even though I know that there is nothing real about this (e.g. aliens DO NOT exist!), the movie Signs scared me terribly! Even now I don't like it. I think it's really the music that creeps me out (it's really good actually). The movie itself isn't bad (some langue), it's just scary. ...