The Awesome Food Award

Thank you Heidi for tagging me in this super fun award!

The rules:

1). Thank the person who nominated you, as well as link to their blog.
2). Answer the 10 questions provided.
3). Come up with 10 more questions that relate to food.
4). Nominate at least 5 people.  I failed here. Sorry.
5). Let those people know they've been nominated.

Heidi's questions with my answers :)

1. Your thoughts on cheese? No meal is complete without some form of cheese. But seeing as how I cannot enjoy the dairy, I will pass it on...though I'll still give the occasional sniff of it as it passes by my nostrils. ;)

2. Favorite pizza? Sweet or savory?  My favorite sweet pizza is a homemade gluten free, vegan fruit pizza that's tastes amazingly delicious!  If you want the recipe, click here.
My favorite savory pizza is onion. :) 

3. Have you always had a “traditional” dinner (i.e. turkey and all the fixings) on Thanksgiving?  To the best of my knowledge, we have always had a traditional Thanksgiving meal.  Sometimes we'll have two or tree courses before the turkey dinner though, which is kind of fun. :)  Because of our Italian heritage (they don't celebrate the holiday) we will always try and sneak some kind of pasta in, whether it be cavatelli, orecchiette or a dish of ravioli before the turkey.  First we'll start off with an antipasto ("before the meal") which contains a platter of Italian meats and cheeses, then it'll be the pasta with a nice salad, and THEN the turkey.  It's a lot of work but very rewarding at the end of the day. :)

4. Favorite Thanksgiving dish to prepare? The sweet potatoes and or the turkey. :) 

5. Your favorite breakfast? Cereal! 

6. Favorite kind of bread (i.e. whole wheat, French, sourdough, cinnamon-raisin, etc.) Even though I'm not able to enjoy whole grains or anything with gluten in it, I can still answer this question.  My mothers homemade whole wheat sandwich bread was probably my favorite to eat and enjoy as a child.  Warm with a bit of butter and jam, or just honey.  *mouth watering*

7. Favorite vegetable? Sweet potato or butternut squash.

8. Do you like sweet or sour? I'm not really a fan of either.  I mean if I had to pick, I'd go with sweet only because I'm not a big fan of salty foods.  

9. Most unusual/unexpected ethnic dish you’ve ever had? This is a hard one!  I'm not one to try "different" dishes - my taste buds like what they're familiar with. ;)  However, I have had a few unusual dishes in my time and one that I remember vividly was while we were traveling in Italy.  We stopped in the home town (a place where my dad's family still owns a house) and were making dinner.  We ate and enjoyed cavallo.  If you're familiar with Italian, then you'll know what this is.  Horse meat.  Yep, I ate horse meat while in a foreign country and enjoyed it.  It actually tasted like veal.  Soft and moist. 

10. Hamburgers or hotdogs? Hamburgers all the way!  Once in a blue moon I'll crave a good beef hotdog with relish, sauerkraut, and mustard, but it's rarely that I do.  When I went to New Jersey in August, we stopped to eat lunch at this really cool diner and I saw that they had a gluten free burger menu (even some vegetarian!) - if you have any gluten issues, you know how much of a treat this is!  So I had their burger complete with a gluten free bun - I almost never eat a burger with the bun, but in this case I felt like treating myself!

Thank you Heidi, for the tag - this was super fun!

Whom shall I choose?

Here are YOUR questions!
1. Favorite ice cream of all time?
2. Nuts in your granola? Yay or nay?
3. Butter, jam, or both?
4. What food makes you gag just thinking about it? (Thank you sister, for the suggesting this question)
5. What one food could you eat every day and never tire of?
6. Breakfast, lunch or dinner?
7. Favorite snack growing up?
8. What would your last meal be and why?
9. Tacos or burritos?
10. Favorite sandwich? 

Blessings to all,


  1. Hey lovely lady! Thanks so much for the nomination - I am honored :) I would love to join the fun, but I am currently taking a break from blogging so I think I will sit this one out. Thank you, Sarah!

    Have a great weekend. Hugs!

    1. Hi Stephanie!

      No worries - I completely understand. :) Have a great "vacation"! :)

      Love and blessings,

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great answers, Sarah! An oh, my, I don't know AT ALL about that cavallo business.... ;) Btw, it reminded me of a hilarious incident in Henry Reed's Babysitting Business by Keith Robertson. Have you read it? It's #2 in the series. The last book (#5) was written a lot later and isn't so tip-top great as I recall, but the first four are tremendous fun. :D

    1. Thanks, Heidi!
      I have not read those before - they sound interesting! :)


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