I hope to marry a marytr

I was thinking about this the other day as I read about a very upsetting event that took place in a public school. Not only am I heartbroken for the tragedy, but my heart also rejoices knowing that there are saints resting in peace at the presence of their King.
With that, I was thinking on how courageous these souls were; standing up and proclaiming their faith, even in the midst of death.
It made me think: I hope to marry someone that courageous.
Then said Jesus to his disciples, 'If any one doth will to come after me, let him disown himself, and take up is cross, and follow me, Matthew 16:24 (YLT)
I pray that my future mate is not only someone who is godly, but who is also a Truth sayer; someone who, no matter the cost, will stand up and proclaim God's truth and Word. Someone who will be willing.
Wait. So you're asking for him to 100% free of fear? That's not even possible! You're right, it's not. We're human and we will be afraid at some point or another. I'm not asking that he be free of fear, remember, I want to marry a human. *winks* What I am praying for is someone who will courageously stand up for what he believes in, no matter what. Someone who is willing to be a "modern" day martyr. Ask my sisters, I've always said that I pray to marry a patriot; someone who is filled with passion for God's Kingdom and who is not ashamed to proclaim it.
Last February I wrote a post about similar to this - click here to read. It may give you more insight.
When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Jesus, my all to heav'n has gone,
Glory Halleluja;
He whom I fix my hopes upon!
Glory Hallelujah!
I want a seat in Paradise,
Glory Hallelujah!
I love that union never dies,
Glory Hallelujah!
His track I see and I'll pursue,
Glory Hallelujah;
The narrow way till Him I view,
Glory Hallelujah!
I want a seat in Paradise,
Glory Hallelujah!
I love that union never dies,
Glory Hallelujah!
Lo! glad I come and Thou, dear Lamb,
Glory Hallelujah;
Shalt take me to Thee as I am,
Glory Hallelujah!
I want a seat in Paradise,
Glory Hallelujah!
I love that union never dies,
Glory Hallelujah!
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