A timeless gift

My dear pen-pal and blogging buddy, Heidi, gifted me with one of the most precious gifts I think I have ever received, a gorgeous tea cup and saucer!!!  First off, who doesn't love getting packages in the mail?  It's so exciting!  Seeing that someone went out of their way to actually mail you something makes you feel super special!  I had had a pretty challenging week (click here to read more about it) leading up to my birthday so getting this in the mail felt like a sweet and cooling balm after a painful sting.  Here are some pictures I took...

Ta-da!  I took "her" outside for a few pictures (thank you, Abigail,
for letting me use your camera!)...
Just look at that lovely pattern! And it pairs beautifully
with a handmade potholder that my aunt bought from 
an Amish store that she gave to me for Christmas.
The elegant design of the handle, the gold-rimmed edges - it's
simply beautiful!  And it's blue!  My favorite color of all time!
Look how beautifully delicate and soft this is...

We share secrets, we laugh and even cry,
We have so much in common,
Concerns, likes and dislikes.
Ours is a relationship joined by 
Tender velvet chains that link our
similar dreams of life and love.
 A gentle intuition guides us in our 
individual struggles to succeed
at the things we pursue, to stand
out from the crowd.
In you I have found so much of myself,
Including many of the same 
Insecurities and philosophies.
Complete inner-peace and happiness,
These are the things I wish for you,
in the present and in the future
because you are my kindred spirit.
(To My Kindred Spirit - by Todd-Michael St. Pierre)

Thank you, dear friend, for gifting me with such a thoughtful treasure.  I have lovingly placed this beauty in my Hope Chest for safe keeping until my new room is finished.



  1. Simply lovely! :D What a sweet gift; how good it is to have caring girlfriends.

    1. Why thank you, Paige! Oh yes, good friends are such a blessing!!

  2. Awwww.... *sniffs* The pictures and that poem.... You got me all teared up, my friend!! Thank you SO much, dear -- this is so beautiful!!!

    (And guess what? I'm sitting on the library floor as I type and this very minute one of my sisters is playing the theme song from the 'Anne' movies... talk about timing! :))

    1. *smiles warmly* I am SO glad that you liked the poem - I wasn't sure about it at first and then I was afriad that you wouldn't like it - but I'm glad you like it. :) You are most welcome - this post was a joy to put together. :)

      Anne's music is the best, isn't it? It fits with everything! :D

  3. Hello dear Sarah... Oh, what a SWEET, thoughtful gift from lovely Heidi... Such a beautiful teacup...in fact, I am certain one of my friend's has the exact same one! The intricate floral design is gorgeous... I love receiving gifts in the mail...and sending them too!
    Blessings to you, dear Sarah...I have missed stopping by!

    1. Kelly-Anne, hello to you as well! I am glad you stopped by and enjoyed this little bit. :) Well, I guess we live in a small world, don't we? ;) I am in love with this pattern so much that I'm doing a bit of research on it - I'm such a nerd! :p

      Same here - sending a gift is just as sweet as receving one!

      Love and hugs to you,


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