Snow, New Mexico, and the Grand Canyon {Part 2}

As promised, here's part 2 of my travels (if you missed part one, click here).

During the retreat, God brought more to the surface than I thought.  He brought my fears of doubt, failure, rejection (didn't even know that was there!), and unworthiness to the top of the cross and not only shattered them, but He showed me that my identity does NOT lie or come from them.  I'm a sinner, yes, but it no longer has a permanent hold on me.  I am free. Free to live my little life here on earth with the truth stamped on my heart that I am whole because of what my Lord and Savior did for me.  He patched me up good. :)

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. ~ Ephesians 6:10

Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13

I came away from that week with one word: Complete.

I knew in my heart that Jesus died for me and that because of His great sacrifice, my sins have been washed away in His precious blood, but I don't think I ever acknowledged the fact that because of His Great Work, I am complete.  What He did for me was enough; I do not need to add anything to my salvation (like I could anyway!) in order to make it work.  He did it all. 

Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin has left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.

So, not only did I come away certified to teach (what?!), I came away feeling refreshed, clean, stronger, happier, and more alive!
Here are some of the pictures from my time at Lost Canyon. 

Retreat time!

Isn't this just beautiful?  This was the gym where all
of our yoga classes (and then a few other things) were held.
This is where I stayed (sorry, I didn't take any pictures
of the inside) - nice, isn't it?

A nice view, eh?
I had to actually think about where this was (that's what long
days will do to ya).  This was coming out of the gym; heading towards the dining hall.
Looking out at the gazebo...
And this, this is the beautiful building that we ate every meal in.
It says "Elk Horn", if you were trying to read it. :)

Like really?  Look at this!  I felt so special eating in here every day. 

The meals were so incredibly good!
This was grilled chicken on a bed of greens, and lentil soup.
All of the meals were gluten free with the option of being vegan -
how cool is that?  Needless to say, I was very happy. :)
Mexican night: beans, pulled pork, rice (I think, can't remember),
tortilla chips, salad, a corn/olive mix, and then apple crumble!
My breakfast was pretty much the same: oatmeal with (sometimes)
sausage, fruit, butter and granola.
Tomato soup with pesto chicken salad on top of greens.

This was probably my favorite meal during
the entire retreat: steak and potatoes (with green beans
and dressing).

I almost didn't want to post this one because of getting
sick not long after eating.  A few of us, unfortunately, came away
with Listeria and every time I glance at this picture, I am reminded
of how unpleasant it was.  The muffins were good though (everything was,
I'm just a sucker for a gluten free, dairy free baked good!).

This is a better view of "my place".

You can see why it's called Lost Canyon...

This was such a peaceful spot (really the whole place
was peaceful).  I love the sound of water...

The General Store and the Coffee house (to the right, not pictured).

Like really?  How beautiful!

And so I was "done".  After 9 weeks of training, then an additional two months home study, my training had come to an "end".  I can't believe it's "over" and I am certified to teach Holy Yoga - it's mind boggling!  Even though my posts were few and far between, thank you for being there for me.  You're the best!

Tell me - Have you ever been to Arizona?  If so, what'd you do there?

Blessings in Him,


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